If you’re like most homeowners, your crawlspace is an area you avoid, preferring to avoid the dank, damp conditions that seems to give a home to all sorts of icky things. But those conditions are exactly why many crawlspaces need attention. Just do a Google search on “moisture control in crawl space,” and you’ll pull up a laundry list of items that, if left unattended, can lead to all sorts of problems including making you and your whole family sick.
From Our Blog
Three Ways to Keep Your Home Cockroach Free
Cockroaches are one of Earth’s oldest and toughest species. They can survive for up to a month without food, and possibly even survive a nuclear war. But they’re no match for The Bug Man! Since 1976, we’ve been the undisputed Arkansas home pest control leader, and we’re here to make sure that you have a cockroach free home!