When you live in The Natural State, it’s hard to resist the allure of spending time outside. We all complain about the humidity and the triple-digit temperatures, but they’re not enough to keep us indoors. Mosquitoes and other flying pests are a different story!
Bug Control
Are you traveling this summer? Watch out for bed bugs!
Whether you’re taking a business trip or a family vacation, you owe it to yourself to leave no stone unturned to find a quality hotel. Your hotel room is your home away from home, and it’s worth spending a little extra to seek quality accommodations with trusted hotel brands. Unfortunately, you’re just as likely to encounter bedbugs at a five-star hotel as you are at an inexpensive roadside inn. Bed bugs live where large numbers of people sleep, and they also like to stow away in luggage. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do on your own to protect yourself from bedbugs when you’re traveling.