Arkansans are no stranger to bugs. We spend most of our summers swatting mosquitoes and flies, and try to keep away other pests such as ants and cockroaches. But termites might be the most formidable foe that we have. Termites cause an estimated $1 billion to $5 billion dollars per year in property damage. In fact, termites are responsible for more property damage than fire, floods, and tornadoes combined!
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The Bug Man Offers Mosquito Treatment Plans from April Through October
Whether it’s a picnic, a cookout, or simply watching your children play, the last thing you want to have to deal with is an infestation of mosquitoes and other pests. The good news is that our Team at The Bug Man is always a phone call or a mouse click away! We’ve been helping Arkansas homeowners since 1976, and We offer monthly mosquito treatment plans from April to October each year.