It’s easy enough to understand why animals like raccoons, opossums, and squirrels find our attics appealing. They provide plenty of shelter from the elements, ample warm nesting material in your insulation, and an abundance of places to lurk undetected. You might hear them rooting around in your attic while you’re relaxing and watching TV, but not be able to spot them when you go investigating. That’s where we come in!
Author: admin
Call The Bug Man to Send the Cockroaches Packing!
Hopefully we’ll never find out if cockroaches can actually survive a nuclear blast, but they sure are hard to get rid of once you have an infestation. There’s nothing more irritating than watching cockroaches scatter when you turn on a light and enter a room, especially after you work so hard to keep your home clean. Cleanliness is one of the most important ways to win the ongoing battle with cockroaches and other household pests, but that will only get you so far.