Squirrels are fun to watch in the park, but terrifying to hear in your attic. If you hear them scurrying around while you’re watching TV or trying to sleep, you can only imagine how much damage they must be causing up there. And if a squirrel gets inside, you and your family will suddenly begin to realize how small your home truly is!

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Ants are best known for being a nuisance during the summer, but they’re active all year long. You can’t afford to let your guard down, because the first time you neglect to clean up after a big meal they’ll be ready! In addition to keeping your kitchen clean, you need to store your non-refrigerated food in plastic containers and make sure to take out the trash every night. You don’t have to wait until your trash can is bursting at the seams, and it’s alright to run your dishwasher before it gets completely full!

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