Of the many varieties of household pests that can infest your home, bed bugs are a little different. They’re the hardest to spot, and can survive for months without food. And, unlike many other bugs, household cleanliness doesn’t seem to make a difference. The good news is that they don’t carry a known risk of communicable disease, and infestations are relatively easy to treat.
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Keep Your Attic Pest Free as the Weather Warms Up
As spring prepares to give way to summer you might think you’ll have a respite from animals trying to make your house their home, especially in the attic. Unfortunately, you’d think wrong. Although animal infestations are more common in wintertime as animals of various types seek refuge from the cold, safety from predators, and a nice handy food source, infestations can and do happen all year round. After all, they love everything you love about your home, and all they need is a way inside.