Rodents are notorious for invading attics and crawl spaces during the winter months, but the truth is that you have to be on the lookout for them all year long. They like entering our homes for the same reason that we like living in them, but they don’t have the manners to heed a locked door like other unwanted guests. As they enter our homes looking for food or a place to build a nest, they can do thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. In many cases, you might not even know that you have a problem until they’ve already nested.

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If you have ever been forced to deal with a raccoon or bird in attic or crawl spaces, it’s no picnic. Wild animals are very crafty when it comes to finding ways to gain access to the parts of your home where you don’t spend most of your time, and can do a lot of expensive damage as they root around looking for food or a place to hide and breed. It can also be quite irritating to listen to them as you and your family are trying to relax and enjoy your favorite television show.

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