The Bug Man has always prided itself on providing quality service for our clients across Arkansas. There are many valid reasons why people choose us over other pest control companies to keep their household and offices pest free.

Some are drawn to the variety of services we offer, such as our Four Seasons Management Plan, a quarterly inspection for every season of the year. But if we had to wager a guess, we’d say our affordable rates also help us stand out.

Numerous businesses and homes have come to depend on The Bug Man, and we couldn’t be more grateful. But we certainly try to express that gratitude. Special deals are just one way we can say thanks for making us the go-to name in pest control for Arkansas.

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Of all the creatures that shouldn’t be stirring during your “T’was the night before Christmas” slumber, pests should be at the top of that list.

As to be expected when colder weather moves in, pests and any local wildlife will seek warmth and food. And what better place for shelter and easy access to food than your home. The most problematic of these pests however are mice.

These aren’t the mice that make for cute additions to your family that you could pick up at the local pet store. These are the kind of mice you never invited into your home, but still managed to make their way in. The kind that are a bother any day of the year, but during the more wintry times, they become even more troublesome. And sometimes lethal.

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