Another Arkansas Spring is officially here, and we can soon look forward to longer days, warmer weather, and outdoor activities. This is also the time when insects come out of hibernation, and become unwanted guests at those activities. When we go outside, we need to arm ourselves with bug spray to protect us from mosquitoes and ticks. At home, we need to clean kitchen counters to avoid infestations of ants, and make sure that window screens and storm doors are secure to keep flies and moths outside where they belong.

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Spring is finally here with trees coming back to life, flowers peeking above the ground, and plenty of chores, indoors and out, waiting to go. One chore that must not be overlooked is a termite inspection.

Signs of termite infestation can be subtle at first, but, if left unaddressed, your home can suffer catastrophic structural damage. For that reason, it’s generally recommended that a professional termite inspection be done to avoid your home falling prey to these pests. Just a few things to know are:

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