Did you know that termites cause more property damage annually than fires, floods, and other natural disasters combined? It’s true! They’re particularly fond of moist, unpainted wood, but the truth is that no home is ever completely safe from termites.Termite control requires a proactive approach involving trained professionals. That’s where our team at The Bug Man comes in!
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Do you have animals nesting in your attic or crawlspace? We’ll send them packing!
As a homeowner, there are few things more irritating than having a furry creature or a bird in attic spaces. Your home is your castle, and the last thing that you need is an infestation of birds, rodents, raccoons, and opossums in your attic or crawlspace. They’re not pitching in on your mortgage or paying rent, and if you have an infestation, you need to deal with it right away before they have the chance to inflict structural damage.