Your home is a lot like an all-you-can-eat buffet for termites, and your only chance to keep them away is to go on the offensive. Unfortunately, most homeowners don’t have the training and experience to spot termite activity until it’s too late! You might occasionally spot mounds or “mud tubes” on the side of your home, but most of the time the termites are a bit more devious. In fact many homeowners don’t find out that they have a termite infestation until they have to pay thousands of dollars to repair structural damage. Each year, termites cause more damage to homes than fires, floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes combined!
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Bothered by Mosquitoes? Ask us about a Mosquito Treatment Plan!
There aren’t too many things more annoying than mosquitoes during the summertime! Mosquito season lasts well into the fall in Arkansas, and it might seem like your only choice is to hide inside and binge on your favorite TV show. The good news is The Bug Man is here to help! We’ve been helping Arkansas homeowners keep their homes pest free since 1976, and we’re here to send the mosquitoes packing!