When you operate a business with a lot of square footage, it’s essential to focus on both daily upkeep and long-term building maintenance. There’s no such thing as “too clean,” and it’s everyone’s responsibility to pitch in and help things run smoothly! Unfortunately, even the most spotlessly clean establishments occasionally have to deal with infestations of rodents and other pests. The Bug Man is proud to be Arkansas’ most trusted commercial pest control company, and we’re always here when you need us. We also sell door sweep brushes to help you seal off potential access points for pests around your exterior doors!
From Our Blog
Be sure to pest-proof your home for the holidays!
The weeks leading up to the holiday season pass very slowly for children, but it’s a much different story once you’re a grown-up! There’s so much pressure to get all the decorating, shopping, and cooking done, but it’s all worthwhile in the name of seeing smiles on the faces of our children and grandchildren. As you prepare your home for company this holiday season, our pest control experts at The Bug Man are always ready to ensure your festivities aren’t interrupted by any “uninvited guests!”