Pest Control Services

Your Satisfaction is Our Only Contract!

You'll be very pleased with The Bug Man, because the services you receive from us will eliminate your pest problem and prevent any recurrence.
* Our Free Estimate offer excludes bed bug estimates for non-customers. If you are not a customer of The Bug Man, Inc., the cost of an estimate for bed bugs is $75.00. If you are already a customer of The Bug Man, Inc., bed bug estimates are free.

The Bug Man, INC.

Here’s what you can accomplish when you choose The Bug Man.

Eliminate Pests
With thousands of local success stories, we've served Arkansas since 1976.
Quality Service
We guarantee superior results through training, dedication, and a comprehensive service policy.
No Contracts
We offer quarterly services for your home or office with no contract! Contact us today!

Looking for Help?

Having bug problems? Our FAQ page is intended to offer tips, tricks, and videos on how to prevent a bug problem in your home or office!

Termidor Certified Professional National Pest Management Association Angies List ESA Certification Corporation Arkansas Pest Management Association

From Our Blog

Bed bugs seemed to have emerged as a new public health nuisance, but they were actually quite prevalent at the beginning of the twentieth century. Their presence was significantly reduced by the development and subsequent wide-spread use of DDT for pest control. When that was banned by the EPA in 1972, bed bugs were free to reestablish themselves and spread to new places and unfamiliar populations. If you’ve been taken in by the latest round of bed bug hysteria, here are some facts that can help you address any misconceptions or – even worse – an infestation.

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Arkansas offers some very nice weather for entertaining outdoors, and luckily it shows up around football season. But all your menu planning and playlist selection will be for naught if the mosquitoes chew through your entire guest list before kickoff. Here are some simple lawn pest control tips to make sure you’re not stuck hosting the entire tailgate party inside your home.

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