Despite Old Man Winter’s clinging on for dear life, spring has indeed finally arrived – and unfortunately it often brings unwelcome visitors as well.

If you haven’t already taken measures to guard your home or business against infestation, The Bug Man Inc. has been providing professional central Arkansas pest control services since 1976. We know how to handle any kind of pest you might encounter in this neck of the woods.

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The National Pest Management Association estimates that termites cause $5 billion in property damage each year. That’s because they are, literally, insatiable – they eat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So structural damage can occur rapidly.

In Arkansas, the probability of termite infestation is considered moderate to heavy, which means the potential for property damage also is significant. A trusted expert in termite inspection and termite control in the state since 1976, The Bug Man wants property owners to know the importance of an effective prevention and control program.

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