Ants are a common problem for Arkansas homeowners, and they’re absolutely relentless in their pursuit of food to take back to the colony. All it takes is a tiny morsel of food to bring them out of hiding, and if you miss a spot while cleaning your kitchen, you can rest assured that they’ll find it! But ants are no match for homeowners who take a few easy precautions, and our team at The Bug Man is standing by when you’re ready to keep your home pest-free!
Bug Control
Are you traveling this holiday season? Be on the lookout for bed bugs!
The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and we all look forward to enjoying a little quality time with our extended family! Staying at a nearby hotel is a far more ideal option than trying to cram a growing family into a small guest bedroom, and it’s always a good idea to make your reservations several weeks in advance. You should also take a few additional precautions to ensure that you don’t bring home any stowaway bed bugs in your luggage. Your best defense against bed bugs is a good offense, and they’re no match for our team at The Bug Man!