If you’re like most homeowners, your crawlspace is an area you avoid, preferring to avoid the dank, damp conditions that seems to give a home to all sorts of icky things. But those conditions are exactly why many crawlspaces need attention. Just do a Google search on “moisture control in crawl space,” and you’ll pull up a laundry list of items that, if left unattended, can lead to all sorts of problems including making you and your whole family sick.
Animal Control
Keep Wildlife in the Wild and Out of Your Home with The Bug Man Inc!
It’s 2 a.m. You were sleeping soundly, but you’ve been awakened by a strange, squeaky sound, followed by what sounds like a brush being run across the ceiling, then tiny feet running. You lay still hoping it’s your imagination. However, you soon realize: your home has been invaded by uninvited animals.