Native Arkansans already know termites find a cozy environment for themselves here, potentially creating major problems for property owners.

Subterranean termites, specifically the Eastern subterranean termite, is the country’s most common species. Causing billions in property damage each year, an estimated one in five homes have or will fall victim to a devastating infestation in high-risk areas like Arkansas. They are abundant here and have been deemed our most destructive species.

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‘Tis the season for fleas, especially if you have dogs and cats in your home. But even if you don’t, these little bloodsuckers will hitchhike their way in on you or any other warm-blooded animal, leaving no one immune to a potential infestation.

While fleas live on their hosts, they can leave eggs on both the host and in bedding. The eggs that are left on the host can fall off and accumulate just about anywhere – beds, clothes, carpets, cars, and anywhere else the host (meaning you or your pet) goes.

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