If you live in or around Little Rock, termite treatment, particularly when performed during the early stages of an infestation, can save you thousands in property damage when completed by a professional pest control company. And let’s face it (natives already know), the entire state of Arkansas is at a high risk for termites. But before you get too far down that rabbit hole, why not try the preventative route first?
Bug Control
Keep Your Guests off the Menu: The Bug Man Can Make Your Special Event Mosquito-Free
As an Arkansan, you’ve attended plenty of outdoor events during spring and summer. Unfortunately, the chances are just as good that, in addition to some special memories, you’ve come home with lots of mosquito bites as well.
It’s no secret that The Natural State has its fair share of outdoor pests. But we don’t let mosquitoes keep us cooped up inside, as we also have abundant scenic views that make perfect backdrops for outdoor events.